HEART SHAPED BOX  Page 2 of 2  

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Making the soap cutting heart box
Use the lid of the simple heart box.

Scoop out the inside of the lid (bottom side)

Remove the soap until about 3mm(1/8") thickness.

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Trace the bow ribbon pattern with the template for the top.

Cut out the soap with the carving knife.

Thinly carve the center of the bow,loose ends and the edges
of the loops.

The soap cutting heart box is done!

Optional step: Decorate the box with a beads or flat back
stones with craft glue. ( I used 3mm pearl beads)

I used acrylic flatback stickers and pearl beads.

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I love simple heart boxes too.

Packaging ideas.

Lids are replaceable.
These two - toned heart boxes are so cute!

Enjoy !

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